
When I was working on a project using Drools-flow, I had some problems with the "lane" and "laneset".

1. In eclipse, I used the Flow editor to create a process and add some swimlanes. When I tried to run it, it always had this error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <lane> is after an invalid element: org.drools.xml.Handler
Then I looked into the XML file and changed the following code:

      <lane name="Patient" >
      <lane name="Doctor" >

      <lane name="Patient" >
      <lane name="Doctor" >
It worked. Could you explain why?

2. I created a process in the web-based oryx designer with a pool that contains several lanes. Then I imported this file in Eclipse, which cannot open it correctly because of the lane issue, since the format in oryx exported file is like this:
<laneSet id="XXX">
      <lane name="Patient" >
      <lane name="Doctor" >

3. The bpmn file I created in Eclipse, although validated to be correct, cannot be imported in Oryx. I am wondering whether it can be done this way.

Could you kindly address my concerns?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,