You don't need to create a global.
You do however need to add an import for the class in the POJO JAR.
This can be accomplished on the same screen. Ensure you save the package after adding the import.
Ideally, when importing a POJO model from the Global Area, the imports should be added automatically.
Please feel free to raise a JIRA at requesting this feature if you like.
With kind regards,
hey mike,
To /use a POJO model in a specific package after importing /it from Global,
/we need to create a Global variable inside the EDIT -> Configuration part
of the package/...
Only after this is done can i make rules inside the package using the
imported model..
But, in drools-expert doc its said that "/It is strongly discouraged to set
or change a global value from inside your rules/"..and..."/Globals are not
designed to share data between rules and they should never be used for that
but again you told me that "/*Rules are assets so the same principle
applies: if you have a rule you want to share in multiple packages, defineis needed*/"
it in the the Global Area and then import it into the packages in which it
M a bit confused..can yu please explain !!
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