My approach has been to connect Eclipse to Guvnor in the two environments. I can then refresh each of them and run a compare between the 2 directory structures. Once I had done it a couple of times, it became pretty smooth.


On 21 Oct 2013, at 09:49, Peach Wyss <> wrote:

Hy all

We're having the following Environments:

- DEV (dev site)
-> Guvnor WebApp: Used for defining the rules and exporting the xxx_rules.pkg during development.
-> XXX WebApp: Our WebApp which uses the xxx_rules.pkg for executing the rules, for testing during development.


- PROD (customer site)
-> XXX WebApp: WebApp in production.

- CHANGE (customer site)
-> Guvnor WebApp: For changing/adding rules by customer itself and exporting the changed xxx_rules.pkg by the customer
-> XXX  WebApp: For Testing the changed xxx_rules.pkg by the customer

We're using Drools Guvnor (5.5.0 Final).

Now the question:
- How to deal with changes of the customer to the rules? We need those changes in our dev-guvnor too...
- So how to deal with the following scenario:
-> Customer changes a rule in Guvnor on the CHANGE Environment and tests the rule on his CHANGE Environment
-> After successful tests, he overwrites the xxx_rules.pkg in the PROD Environment
-> In the same time, the development team is adding new rules or changing existing rules on the DEV Environment (for example for Bugfixing or when adding new features to the WebApp)
-> After successful testing on DEV-Site, we want to deploy the new Version of our WebApp (and xxx:_rules.pkg) to the Customer (CHANGE and PROD). But when we just build the xxx_rules.pkg in our DEV-Guvnor and overwrite the xxx_rules.pkg from the customer, the changes from the Customer are lost. So how can we get the changes to the rules from the Customer to our DEV-Guvnor? The only way we now, is to export/import the whole repository. But with that, the changes (updated/created rules) from our DEV-Guvnor are overwritten...

How to deal with such a scenario? Is it possible to import/export single rules instead of the whole repository?

Thanks for your help,
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