Hello all,
I am using Drools 4.0.3.
In my application I have one singleton class to validate the input parameters. Also I am using one commonfunction.xml file which has all the functions for the applications e.g.
<function return-type="boolean" name="validateDate">
<parameter identifier="date" type="String" />
<parameter identifier="datepattern" type="String" />
// System.out.println(" validateDate date "+date);
// System.out.println(" validateDate datepattern "+datepattern);
if(date == null || date.trim().equals(""))
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(datepattern);
Date testDate = null;
testDate = sdf.parse(date);
}catch (ParseException e){
if (!sdf.format(testDate).equals(date)){
I am loading this commonfunction.xml file only once in the constructor throughout the application. Also I have some specific rules for each module in my application.
One of the module is AirlineDemo.For this module I have various rules as source and destination can not same, departure date should be proper etc.
Now when I am running my application I am getting the ClassNotFoundException .
Please give me advice how can I remove this exception?
I am attaching the rule file and the description of the exception.