Using : Guvnor 5.2 (in development)

Tomcat 6.0.28

Java 1.6.0_20


Looks like there is an issue when creating a TestScenario which:

1.       Has some fact field set to a variable

2.       And, Has some  global variable



1.       In the package configuration define a global variable : “global Object glVar”

2.       Create new Declarative model (see attached image S1_model):

a.       FactType : name =”FType1”

b.      FactType : name = “FType2”

                                                               i.      Field : name=”ch”/type=”FType1”

c.       FactyType : name = “FType3”

                                                               i.      Field : name=”ch”/type=”FType2”

3.       Create new TestScenario (see attached images S2_TestScenario_before and S3_TestScenario_after):

a.       Insert a new fact : type=”FType2”, varName = “f2”

b.      Insert a new fact : type = “FType3”, varName=”f3”

                                                               i.      Add a field : name=”ch”, value = “=f2” (bound to variable f2)

c.       Add new Global (glVar).

Observed: after adding the global variable nothing in the TestScenario screen is displayed.

It is not possible to make any changes to the TestScenario content (for ex delete the global var).

After saving the TestScenario it is no longer possible to open it.


Do you know if there is any workaround? Is there an open issue for this?


Thank you,
