The easiest suggestion would be to store DRL in your database ;)

These is a (dieing) BRL XML format but I believe its use is discouraged (as it's essentially an XStream output of a object model).

You could also look at writing a persistence layer over FactModel which is the foregoing object model; to re-hydrate direct from structured database tables with an ORM.

Looking however at your example rules; I believe the simplest approach would be to write your own parser that generates DRL.

Have you considered Guvnor which would suit your needs ideally?

With kind regards,


2011/3/25 bilasini sahoo <>
Hi All,
   I am new to this Drool rule ingine use.
Normal drl is working for me.
But mu requirement is i need to configure all the rules in Data base and from there i need to inject to the Rule engine.This is beacuse Rules can be configured any point of time.
Please let me know if is there any special foemat of rule configuration is required so that creating rule file would be easier
currently i have configured as
(Company=CCC && Organisation=OOO and Dept=HR) OR (Country=UK)
(Company=CCC && Organisation=OOO )and (Dept=HR OR Country=UK)
please advice. I am stuck with this proble since 2days

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