Correction: The original post did not include another rule that exists in the stream. The memory leak does not appear unless both rules are active in the stream._______________________________________________declare MyEvent@role(event)@timestamp(timestamp)end/* If a RAISE is buffered for N seconds, send it out */rule "forward raise"no-loopduration (3s)when$raise : MyEvent(eventState == EventState.RAISE, $raiseId : eventId)thenSystem.out.println("Forwarding RAISE(" + $raiseId + ")");delete($raise);end/* When CLEAR, and buffered, clear them both out */rule "forget it ever happened"no-loopwhen$clear : MyEvent(eventState == EventState.CLEAR, $clearId : eventId)$raise : MyEvent(eventState == EventState.RAISE, eventId == $clearId)thenSystem.out.println("Forgetting RAISE/CLEAR(" + $clearId + ")");delete($clear);delete($raise);endOn Jul 10, 2014, at 2:50 PM, Kent Anderson <> wrote:The following rule produces a memory leak in Drools 6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:_______________________________________________(Stream mode)declare MyEvent@role(event)@timestamp(timestamp)end/* If a RAISE is buffered for N seconds, send it out */rule "forward raise"no-loopduration (3s)when$raise : MyEvent(eventState == EventState.RAISE, $raiseId : eventId)thenSystem.out.println("Forwarding RAISE(" + $raiseId + ")");delete($raise);endI see the rule fire as expected, printing out the message 3 seconds after the event is added into the session. While the event is waiting, I see a FactCount of 1 in the session. After the rule fires, the fact count goes to 0. However, using JVisualVm, querying the heap dump shows 1 instance of MyEvent, referenced by an EventFactHandle and several other Drools objects.Is this a bug, or is there a better way to write this rule so Drools’ internals let go of the object after it is no longer a fact?<PastedGraphic-1.png><PastedGraphic-2.png>
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