I have actually used this method for the one valid case I have thought of - unit testing rules.


2011/4/1 Swindells, Thomas <TSwindells@nds.com>


But if you really do want to you can setup an agenda filter so that only the activation for the rule you care about is fired � but I don�t think there are many valid cases where this is needed/desirable/appropriate.


From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Michael Anstis
Sent: 31 March 2011 10:08
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] execute particular rules programmatically and dynamically

Why would you want to execute a single rule?

The logic you'd write to determine which rule to fire should itself be part of the rules: So, for example, if you want to validate facts of type "Smurf" then write a rule that matches on "Smurf". When you insert a "Smurf" only the rules that match on this will become candidates for execution when you call fireAllRules. Perhaps use of a stateless session would simplify things so you need not worry about other facts in WM "polluting" the results you expect to see?

More and more questions are posted here asking how to make individual rules execute; IMO the solution is to change your thinking about how Rules Engines work.

If you give your use-case we might be able to advise a better approach.

With kind regards,


2011/3/31 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com>

On 31 March 2011 07:58, Benson Fung <benson.redhat@gmail.com> wrote:


If there are 10 rules in the drools rulebase, and right now I would
like to execute one of the particular rule. �Is there any approach/way
to execute particular rule programmatically?

No. The right hand side of a rule (code between "then" and "end") is executed whenever there is a set of fact objects in Working Memory satisfying the condition. If you insert such a set of facts and call fireAllRules(), then it will happen.

�I don't think
agenda-group or activation-group can do that, right? �Or is it
possible to create an agenda programmatically ?

No to both.

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