Thank you for the e-mail. The function does not seem to be included in the DRL. I shall run it again, and post again if I cannot get to a resolution.


Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 13:59:56 +0000
Subject: Re: [rules-users] How to use function in decision table

Bhamidi Krishna wrote:
Hi, I am attempting to use a function in a decision table, I am sure I have gotten it totally wrong because it gives me the following error -
org.drools.compiler.DroolsParserException: Unknown error while parsing. This is a bug. Please contact the Development team.

at org.drools.compiler.DrlParser.compile(

at org.drools.compiler.DrlParser.parse(

at org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder.addPackageFromDrl(

at com.sample.DecisionTableTest.readDecisionTable(

at com.sample.DecisionTableTest.main(
I have attached my decision table, the relevant portion of the table is pasted. Would appreciate ponters in the right direction.
If often helps to look at the DRL that is being outputted, that should help you see what is wrong in the DTable.
Thank you
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT PRICE 2  PRICE  < Relative 25 equal
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT STOCK 2  STOCK  B Absolute 5 equal
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT CONTRACT 2  CONTRACT  B Absolute 10 equal
  450_60_20_30 SERVICE FM 2 FM > Absolute 30 equal

Functions function absoluteCompareFunction(int weight,String sign,String value, String compareValue ) double returnValue=0.0; if(value==null || compareValue==null) { return returnValue; } if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(compareValue)) { returnValue= weight; } end

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