Yes, two main reasons were the alignment with industry products and the small perf impact.


2007/5/15, Mark Proctor <>:
I can't remember them, but at the time we where shown some use cases that worked that way. Also we have the problem that our engine works differently to other engines, so we decided align with the industry norm and allow people to choose what they want. Oh and identity removal has a slight performance impact, as it means it always has to performane an identity check on each join attempt, even if the scenario will never likely occur for the current rule definition.

Geoffrey Wiseman wrote:
On 5/15/07, Edson Tirelli <> wrote:
   Version 3.0.x prevents by default a single fact from matching multiple patterns. For a couple of reasons we had to change the default in 4.0 to allow a single fact to match multiple patterns. If you don't want this to happen, you can use one of the following approaches:

Huh - shades of Drools 2.X.

If you don't mind me asking, what are the 'couple of reasons'?  If there are reasons, then people might want to know before choosing to, for instance, turn on the system property.

  - Geoffrey
Geoffrey Wiseman

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  Edson Tirelli
  Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
  Office: +55 11 3529-6000
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