Hello All,

I am using a drool version 7.x. I am able to get KieScanner to work on my local maven repository using "LATEST". But everytime I update the rules on workbench, I have to manually run mvn install in order to update my local repository so that KieScanner can pickup the changes. Is that how it is? Or is it possible to force a download every time the scanner runs?

I need to fetch the latest jars from my custom repo.

My configuration

 KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
    ReleaseId releaseId = ks.newReleaseId( "com.test", "poc", "LATEST" );

    KieContainer kContainer = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId);
    KieScanner kieScanner = ks.newKieScanner(kContainer);

    kieScanner.start( 10000L );

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    while (true) {
        String line = scanner.nextLine();

I have configured my custom repo in maven confg settings file. . But no luck

                <url>https:// customRepo </url>


Any one please advise to resolve the issue?