Hi,I'd like to use keyword collect to do my filtering but its behaviour confused me, please advise. I greatly appreciate your help.Problem 1:wheneventList : LinkedList(size == 5)from collect( Event(text matches".*rule5.*" )) thenSystem.out.println("rule5 is fired " + eventList.size());I still do not see any log msg after adding 5+ events. Is something wrong with my rule?Problem 2:whenevent: Event(text matches ".*rule5.*" ))eventList : LinkedList(size == 5)from collect( Event(text == event.text)thenSystem.out.println("rule5 is fired " + eventList.size());After adding 5 events, I see 5 log msg instead of one as I'd expect.If I add more events, I will see more log. How do I tell LHS to reset the count from 0.Basically, I want to take 1 event out of 5 similar events (suppressing filtering). So if there are 10 similar events, my RHS should activate 2 times, not 10 times.Thanks,-av
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