
I would like to read some documentation on how the rules engine (specifically for planner) works.
I have a number of unanswered questions.
Some type of questions:

- If I have two rules in my drl file, will the engine execute first the first rule with all possible combinations of the planning entities matching the conditions of the rule
   and then the second rule with all possible combinations of the planning entities matching the conditions of the rule
- Can I trace which rules are executed with what planning-variables and in which order
- What is the purpose of the last variable amount of parameters ($x, $y, $z) in the RHS logic insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence( ... , $x, $y ,$z))

I know there is http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.5.0.Final/drools-planner-docs/html_single/index.html  but it does not really answer the above questions.


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