Given that your restriction is "this 'options' and only them, at least one instance of each", and you need that in a "generic way", best is for you to create your own accumulate function. For Drools 5.1.1 your template would look like:
$options : List() from accumulate(
$op : Option(),
matchAll( [ ${param}, $op ] ) )
Where ${param} is the list of options the user type in the decision table cell and matchAll is your own accumulate function with the semantics you described.
2011/1/21 groovenarula
Thanks for the options, Bruno and Wolfgang.
But is there a more 'generic' way to do the matches ? The problem I have is
that the # of instances that might match could vary. And I have to provide a
means for the business users to be able to provide that 'option's code'
using a decision table. Basically I need to be able to provide a construct
that's would look something like :
So in the above decision table had 2 rules where in the first row represents
a rule that matches against Options with Codes P1 and P2. And the second
rule would match against options with codes P1, P4 and P5.
Is it possible to represent this using Drools decision tables ?
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