please log a jira, so this bug is not forgotten.

José Arrarte wrote:
Hi Edson, thanks for your answer.

I don't know who's responsible for the suggestion box in Eclipse. I'm attaching 2 files: GlobalVariable.drl is the test DRL, and the PNG file is the result of pressing Ctrl+space between "logger" and the period sign. Even though using logger inside the funcion is marked as an error, the global variable appears in the suggestion box.

I'm using Eclipse Europa (Version: 3.3.0, Build id: I20070621-1340), and Drools eclipse plugin v4.0.4.

If you need any more info, feel free to contact me.

José Arrarte

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re:[rules-users] Using global variables in functions
From: Edson Tirelli <>
To: Rules Users List <>
Date: jueves, 17 de abril de 2008 17:37:01

   Not at this moment.


2008/4/17 José Arrarte <>:
Hello all,

Is there a way I can use a global variable inside a function definition without having to pass it as a parameter?

I'd like to be able to use a log4j Logger instance (declared as a global variable) inside functions.

Best regards,
José Arrarte

rules-users mailing list

Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
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