According to my requirement I have to keep rule for each book separately.

That's the weirdest thing I ever heard. What's the point?

It sounds to me like one of the following:

  1. A poor requirement from someone who doesn't understand the technology.
  2. An overly literal interpretation of a requirement which was not intended to be technical.

I suspect that you may well need to go back to whoever provided these requirements and work out which are hard technical requirements and which are not. And *why*. You may need to renegotiate with them with respect to what you are building. If they are any good, I would expect them to appreciate being told there are problems with their requirements now, rather than discovering in a couple of months time that the application needs to be re-written.

A rules engine based application can be very fast at providing responses, but as you have found, a poor design can ensure that it seems like the slowest thing in the world. And it seems that a lot of developers go down a wrong path which requires a complete re-write of an application. With what you seem to have, there are no simple performance tweaks that will speed it up enough. It seems that it needs a fundamental rethink.

One of the most important aspects of rules engine development is understanding the business intent and being able to work out how to achieve the goal effectively. As Wolfgang mentions, I reckon you would be better off providing some details of the problem so that we might be able to help you find a sensible solution. Otherwise it's looking to me like we would be helping you waste time on an inappropriate solution.
