Hi All,


                I am using JBOSS Rules 5.0.0, in which I am creating multiple RuleBase object based on package passed to it.



public RuleBase (Package pkg)


                RuleBase rb = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();


return rb;



Though I know that creating RuleBase object every time will have huge performance impact but it is required because when Multiple requests will

Come on the application server based on functionality that need to be triggered based on click of different buttons which internally call Rules.


So I am trying another option by declaring RuleBase as Static Object so that it will be shared across application, but I am facing two  issues in that


Suppose I am using single RuleBase object then all the packages will be there that will be added using the above method on click of buttons which internally

Call rules by multiple users.

1)      Now my problem is I cannot remove package after finish of my task as user because if Suppose two users A and B are performing the same task using different

Login. Now as User A, if he removes the package after its processing of rules completed then User B will not find that package for doing its task because if they both pass the above method at same time then both fill find package present in RuleBase.

2)      If I keep all the packages as it is in RuleBase then Rules Engine will be triggered for all Rules present in all packages satisfying when condition.


So I am not able to understand what I exactly should do because currently I am facing performance issues in application and I think the Reason

is multiple RuleBase objects.


I have to change this So can anyone suggest me what I should do ??


Waiting for Reply.


Thanks & Regards,

Nikhil S. Kulkarni



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