I don't think so.
Your best option might be to look at using a DSL:-
[then]insert a new AccessControlEvent=insert( SituationManager.createAccessControlEvent( $obs, "Access Control Detection", Event.THREAT_NO, $location, $sensor))
BTW feel free to raise a JIRA,,
requesting this - and being able to call a non-zero argument constructor
Even better, why not contribute a pull request?
With kind regards,
Good morning Mike,
thanks for suggestion, but I'd not use drl to write my rules.
I have one other question,
Can I invoke a static method, with input parameters, without drl?
specifically, I'd like to do this
insert( SituationManager.createAccessControlEvent( $obs, "Access Control Detection", Event.THREAT_NO, $location, $sensor));
Any help would be much appreciated.��������������������
With kind regards,
Carolina Pellecchia
________________________________________Inviato: venerd� 27 aprile 2012 17.55
Da: [] per conto di Michael Anstis []
A: Rules Users List
Oggetto: Re: [rules-users] R: Using GUVNOR for FUSION RULESHi,
You'll have to use the "Add free-form DRL" action.
With kind regards,
On 27 April 2012 16:46, Pellecchia Carolina <<>> wrote:
Hi Mike,the issue has been solved by updating� the version from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0.CR1.
I have one other question,
How can I create an instance of type without default constructor?
how can I invoke a constructor with parameters?specifically,
6.����� |���������� then
7.����� |�������������� AccessControlEvent fact0 = new AccessControlEvent(?$obsh?,? "Access Control Detection"?);Da:<> [<>] per conto di Michael Anstis [<>]
Thanks a lot in advance,
Carolina Pellecchia
Inviato: venerd� 27 aprile 2012 13.25
A: Rules Users List
Oggetto: Re: [rules-users] Using GUVNOR for FUSION RULESAnd the screenshot ;)
On 27 April 2012 12:24, Michael Anstis <<><<>>> wrote:
What version of Guvnor are you using?I attach a screenshot produced using 5.4.0.CR1.
I also note your screenshot shows "All ACObeservation" where as mine "There is a TelephoneCall"
Can you describe the steps you have taken, or supply a repository export?
On 27 April 2012 12:12, Pellecchia Carolina <<><<>>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
I couldn't bind a field because the click on the field doesn't work.
concretely, please see attached.
Thank you in advance,
Carolina Pellecchia�
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Anstis <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Using GUVNOR for FUSION RULES
Glad to be of assistance.To bind a field, once the field has been added to the Fact type simply click on the field name.
With kind regards,
On 27 April 2012 08:31, Pellecchia Carolina <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:Hi Mike,
I�m a colleague of Matteo Cusmai, we would like to thank you for your suggestions. you have been very helpful.
Following your steps, I couldn't understand a point: how can I bind a field(for ex. RadiationObservation.location)� to a variable?
specifically,���� $obs : RadiationObservation(?$obsLocation : location? ) over window:length (1) from entry-point "lowLevelSensorStream"
Da:<><<>><<><<>>> [<><<>><<><<>>>] per conto di<><<>><<><<>>> [<><<>><<><<>>>]
Best regards,
Carolina Pellecchia
Inviato: gioved� 26 aprile 2012 19.07
Oggetto: rules-users Digest, Vol 65, Issue 93Send rules-users mailing list submissions to����<><<>><<><<>>>
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of rules-users digest..."
Today's Topics:�1. Re: Setting variables in a stateless session (Welsh, Armand)
�2. Re: Using GUVNOR for FUSION RULES (Michael Anstis)
�3. Re: Guvnor guided editor and non argument constructor
�� (Michael Anstis)
�4. looking for advice (Bobby Richards)
�5. Re: Guvnor guided editor and non argument constructor
�� (Vincent LEGENDRE)
�6. Re: Guvnor guided editor and non argument constructor (Sean Su)
----------------------------------------------------------------------Message: 1To: "<><<>><<><<>>>" <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:57:11 +0000
From: "Welsh, Armand" <>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Setting variables in a stateless session
���� <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Think of a stateless knowledge session as being a statefull knowledge session, with the following adjustments:
A stateless knowledge session cannot be manipulated prior the start of the session.
A stateless knowledge session cannot be manipulated or queried after the end of the session.
A stateless session begins when you execute the fireallrules method.
A stateless session ends when the rule processing terminates.� -- There is no pause, there is no restarting.� The instant the rules stop firing, and return to your calling code, the knowledge session has been torn down.�
-----Original Message-----
From:<><<>><<><<>>> [<><<>><<><<>>>] On Behalf Of bardelman
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 2:06 AMTo:<><<>><<><<>>>
Subject: [rules-users] Setting variables in a stateless sessionhi folks, this is a simple question ,
i just want to understand how is it possible that a stateless session have a
setGlobal() method as it does not maintain a state. What's the point ?!
i� also have some confusion between a "request scope" and a "stateless
session scope" i think it s the<><<>><<><<>>>
View this message in context:
Sent from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at
rules-users mailing list�
Message: 2From: Michael Anstis <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:52:09 +0100To: Rules Users List <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Using GUVNOR for FUSION RULES
���� <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"Sure.
�- Create "New Rule"
�- Add a condition (green + near "WHEN")
�- Select "From Entry Point"
�- Type "lowLevelSensorStream" into TextBox
�- Click on "click to add patterns..."
�- Select your Fact Type (see * below)
�- In "Over sliding window" ListBox select "Length"
�- Type "1" into the TextBox next to "Length".* OK, so this is possibly where you're having problems.
In order for a Fact Type to be used with CEP it needs to be annotated as an
Event. This is how this can be accomplished:-*If you have a Declarative Model
*�- Open the Declarative Model
�- Select the Fact Type that should be an Event
�- Add an Annotation, name="role", key="value", value="event"
�- Save
*If you have a POJO Model*�- Create a new Declarative Model
�- Add a Fact Type that matches the name of that in your JAR
�- Add an Annotation, name="role", key="value", value="event"
�- Save
Annotating your POJO is covered in the Drools Expert User Guide. You are
just using Guvnor to achieve what is required.With kind regards,
On 26 April 2012 15:22, Matteo Cusmai <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:
> Hi Mike,> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Michael Anstis <<><<>><<><<>>>
> thanks for suggestion, but i have already read documentation.
> First of all, i cannot define "over window:length(1) from entry-point
> lowLevelSensorStream".
> Do you help me to do this?
> Best Regards,
> Matteo.
> > wrote:
>> Yes this is possible with Guvnor 5.2 onwards.
>> The user-guide explains how to use the Guided Rule Editor (but not
>> specifically CEP features).
>> Read that and give it a try - it's reasonably intuitive (not an excuse
>> for poor documentation though) and come back here with questions.
>> With kind regards,
>> Mike
>>>>><><<>><<><<>>>>> On 26 April 2012 09:08, Matteo Cusmai <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> i am novice on GUVNOR, but i would like to define my fusion rules by
>>> graphical tool.
>>> An example of my rules is:
>>> rule "radiation-event"
>>>���� salience 10
>>>���� no-loop
>>>���� when
>>>�������� $obs��� : RadiationObservation( $obsLocation : location, value >
>>> 10 ) over window:length(1) from entry-point lowLevelSensorStream
>>>�������� not RadiationEvent( this meets[ 25s ] $obs, location
>>> geoIsWithinDistance[ 5m ] $obsLocation )
>>>���� then
>>>�������� insert(new RadiationEvent( $obs, "Radiation over 10",
>>> Event.THREAT_HIGH, $obsLocation, $obs.getSensor() ));
>>> end
>>> rule "radiation-update"
>>>���� salience 5
>>>���� no-loop
>>>���� when
>>>�������� $obs��� : RadiationObservation( $obsLocation : location, value >
>>> 10 ) over window:length(1) from entry-point lowLevelSensorStream
>>>�������� $event���� : RadiationEvent( this meets[ 25s ] $obs, location
>>> geoIsWithinDistance[ 5m ] $obsLocation )
>>>���� then
>>>�������� Event e = Event.clone($event);
>>>�������� e.addObservation($obs);
>>>�������� insert( e );
>>>�������� retract($event);
>>>�������� retract($obs);
>>> end
>>> Is it possibile to define rules such the above using GUVNOR?
>>> Are there some documentation or tutorial?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance,
>>> Matteo Cusmai.
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Message: 3From: Michael Anstis <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:40:27 +0100To: Rules Users List <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor guided editor and non argument
���� constructor
���� <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"Seems reasonable enough.
On 26 April 2012 14:36, Sean Su <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:
> It seems that the new fact created by the guided editor must be from><><<>><<><<>>>
> the java class that has the default non argument constructor in
> Guvnor. There seems no way we can customize it to pass arguments in.
> This would force us to provide setters to the object.
> Is this a true statement?
> Thanks
> Sean
> Sent from my iPad
> _______________________________________________
> rules-users mailing list
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Message: 4From: Bobby Richards <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 11:42:41 -0500To:<><<>><<><<>>>
Subject: [rules-users] looking for advice
���� <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"I have not yet determined how I want to implement my problem and was hoping
to get some feedback.I am using drools to migrate the logic from my automated currency trading
infrastructure.� Each currency pair, i.e. eurusd has around
200 attributes associated with it.This includes range values (high, low, average) for multiple time periods,
volatility information, bid/ask updates etc.Currently I have classes associated for each, so say for range:
class Range {
�double high;
�double low;
�double avg;
}Range europe = new Range();� //european trading hours
Range us = new Range(); //us trading hours
1.� I am wondering if I should not just create a map that lists every
attribute per pair as a key ("eurusd:range:europe:high")?� So essentially
my drools session will have one fact, not counting the incoming quotes.� I
see on the list that this was a problem before the mvel updates but that
was a while ago.2.� When an incoming quote might modify a value, what is the performance
difference between using a rule to change the value or making the changes
outside of the ksession and referencing the facthandler to modify?� Is one
method considered 'cleaner'?Thanks,
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From: Vincent LEGENDRE <<><<>><<><<>>>>Message: 5
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 18:48:37 +0200 (CEST)To: Rules Users List <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor guided editor and non argument
���� constructor
���� <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"JavaBeans convention : all default constructible and plenty of setters (for writeable properties) and getters (for readeable properties)
----- Mail original -----
De: "Michael Anstis" <<><<>><<><<>>>>
?: "Rules Users List" <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Envoy?: Jeudi 26 Avril 2012 15:40:27
Objet: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor guided editor and non argument constructor
Seems reasonable enough.
On 26 April 2012 14:36, Sean Su <<><<>><<><<>>> > wrote:
It seems that the new fact created by the guided editor must be from
the java class that has the default non argument constructor in
Guvnor. There seems no way we can customize it to pass arguments in.
This would force us to provide setters to the object.Is this a true statement?
Sent from my<><<>><<><<>>>
rules-users mailing list�
rules-users mailing list<><<>><<><<>>> next part --------------
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Message: 6From: Sean Su <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 13:06:57 -0400To: Rules Users List <<><<>><<><<>>>>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor guided editor and non argument
���� constructorWhat I am prototyping is part of the event processing (with or without
fusion). I want to use the rules created by the Guvnor to create the new
events. However, as you would understand, once the event has been created,
it should not be modified as it happened in the past.So I am trying to avoid setters if possible.
Sent from my iPad
On Apr 26, 2012, at 12:49 PM, Vincent LEGENDRE <JavaBeans convention : all default constructible and plenty of setters (for
writeable properties) and getters (for readeable properties)------------------------------
*De: *"Michael Anstis" <<><<>><<><<>>>>
*?: *"Rules Users List" <<><<>><<><<>>>>
*Envoy?: *Jeudi 26 Avril 2012 15:40:27
*Objet: *Re: [rules-users] Guvnor guided editor and non argument constructorSeems reasonable enough.
On 26 April 2012 14:36, Sean Su <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:
> It seems that the new fact created by the guided editor must be from><><<>><<><<>>>
> the java class that has the default non argument constructor in
> Guvnor. There seems no way we can customize it to pass arguments in.
> This would force us to provide setters to the object.
> Is this a true statement?
> Thanks
> Sean
> Sent from my iPad
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