Hi,  Can someone please point me to compelling examples/sample code  of how to use a DROOLs callback API for very high-resolution logging of L-value predicate matching events?


E.g.  I want to be able to log when each of these 5 L-value predicates either “MATCHES” or “FAILS TO MATCH” (at the time of the event)





            productType == "IRS",


upfrontFeePaymentDate < IRDCurrencyRuleFact.terminationDate,

            maturity <= 18275,                                                                                        //unit = days, i.e. 50 Years

            notional <= 99,999,999,999.99                                                                      //max Notional







Ben D Cotton III
Morgan Stanley & Co.
OTC Derivatives Clearing Technology
1221 AOTA Rockefeller Ctr - Flr 27
New York, NY 10020



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