Congratulations :)
You win the prize for finding (possibly) the first bug in 5.4. Using free-format DRL is, as you've found, a work-around.
Can you please raise a bug at and I'll fix as soon as possible.
With kind regards,
sorry forgot to attach the file....please find it again...On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 6:19 PM, zeeshan khan <> wrote:
Hi Mike !!I am using 5.4 version....please have a look to the screen shots attached.....the rounded box in the screenshot takes only numbers in the case of THEN....but working fine in i tried by using ADD FROM FREE DRL(in the box 2), and this was working fine...thanks !!On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Michael Anstis <> wrote:I tested formula with 5.4 and it works as I defined.
What version of Guvnor are you using?On 15 May 2012 13:34, zeeshan khan <> wrote:
Hi Mike !!Thanks for the reply.....its working fine in WHEN but not in THEN......--
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Michael Anstis <> wrote:
The book, as Mark also said, is out of date compared to the current (5.4) version of Drools and Guvnor.
I suspect you've elected to set the field's value to a literal rather than formula. Please try deleting the constraint and adding back.
When clicking on the pencil icon next to the operator be sure to select "New formula".
With kind regards,
MikeOn 15 May 2012 12:27, zeeshan khan <> wrote:
_______________________________________________Hi Team !
Earlier I sent this mail to Mark Proctor asked me to mail here so I am mailing here in the hope of reply.
Since yesterday only I started learning Drools with the help of Google and JBOSS DROOLS BUSINESS RULES pdf file. I faced many problems to understand the concept but now its going smooth. But the problem is the version of PDF file of the book and the Govener version. Its quite different. I request you all to please provide me the latest version of PDF as I am unable to find on net. The problem I am facing is to put the formula as given in the screen shot in the book.I am unable to put the formula as described in JBOSS DROOLS BUSINESS RULES pdf file on page no. 102.....the formula is salesValue-10 as the box is not capable of taking cahracters. It is taking only integer.Thanks in Advance for all the help and material !!!!
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Best Regards,Zeeshan KhanLiferay Java DeveloperIBEXI Solutions India
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--Best Regards,Zeeshan KhanLiferay Java DeveloperIBEXI Solutions India
--Best Regards,Zeeshan KhanLiferay Java DeveloperIBEXI Solutions India
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