Hi! I'm new to this forum so... my name is Manuel and I'm using drools planner to solve an exam scheduling problem :) 

I need to analyze which constraints are broken while the algorithm is running and when the solver finishes also. Geoffrey pointed me to the examples, where that is done. 

I copied the getScoreDetailList() idea from that example, and it works perfectly fine for when the algorithm is running (constraints are found and I can inspect them). The basic idea is that this method obtains the working memory and obtains from it the objects of type ConstraintOccurrence. 

The thing is, when the solver finishes and I call this method, it returns no constraints, even though I know by the score that some constraints are still broken. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this the expected behaviour? It seems as if working memory erases the ConstraintOccurrences when the solver finishes, but I don't really know. In that case, how can I obtain the constraints broken for the final solution? 

Hope I made myself clear! Thanks! 