This uses several terms I'm not familiar with in this context, but it seems that
  1. a ule uniquely determines a Class to be instantiated on its RHS
  2. a set of parameters is required that, in turn, depends on the Class determined according to (1).
I do not understand why these parameters cannot be inserted as facts.

Each parameter set (!) would be a fact with one field containing the Class, and this could be matched in the rule, passing parameters to the processing to be done in the same rule.

      $p: Params( clazz == (FactorType1.class), $pSet: paramSet )


On 27 September 2011 15:11, JohnnyCaimbridge <> wrote:
NOTE: Reposted because I only just subscribed to the mailing list.


I have a set of Fact types which represent factors matched and used
throughout the other rules.  Each of these Fact types may be derived in a
variety of mutually exclusive ways--ie based on the line of business or
other factors.  The rules are all well-defined for these Facts.  Something
like this:

declare FactorType1
  value : BigDecimal

rule "FactorType1"
  LineOfBusiness( this == LineOfBusiness.LOB1 )
  // some other conditions
  $prms : Params() // ***provisional*** where to specify needed context
dependent parameters? see below
  BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal("0");
  // ... determine value based on conditions and $prms
  insert( new FactorType1(value) );

// <some other mutually exclusive rules to derive FactorType1 here>

The problem is that in the rules which match these Facts, there are many
context dependent (ie *always* unique to that particular rule) parameters
which must be "passed" to the derivation of those Facts.  I'm referring to
these as "Params" above.  Now, a rule that uses FactorType1:

rule "a rule that uses FactorType1"
  // some conditions
  FactorType1( $value )
  $prms : Params(prm1,prm2,prm3,...) // ***provisional*** how to indicate
that FactorType1 should use these parameters in its derivation?
  // perform some calculation with $value

The parameters which these Facts use cannot be asserted as Facts themselves.
They are unique to the rules which match on the FactorTypes, so that would
mean I'd need a duplicate rule for every rule that uses a FactorType (even
with "rule inheritance", this is excessive).

It's almost as if I need to specify a "partial derivation" or "partial
unification" of the Fact type, which is only asserted once a rule indicates
that it is providing the "unbound" portion of the derivation.  I understand
queries can be used for some sort of partial unification, but I have no clue
how to apply them to my problem and I can't find any good examples or
documentation on their usage/behavior.

Thanks in advance

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