Op 08-01-13 15:24, Michiel Vermandel schreef:

I'm trying to implement a basic local search (really new to it).

When I run my project I now get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Phase localSearch started with an uninitialized Solution. First initialize the Solution. For example, run a phase constructionHeuristic first.
    at org.drools.planner.core.localsearch.DefaultLocalSearchSolverPhase.phaseStarted(DefaultLocalSearchSolverPhase.java:120)
You have a construction heuristic configured, so all @PlanningVariable's should be different from null after that phase is ended.
So when the local search phase starts, that check should be ok and not throw that exception.

Comment out local search, write the solution to disk an verify that all planning variables are now not null.
Or debug where that exception is throw and inspect phaseScope.getSolverScope().getScoreDirector().getWorkingSolution().

This is my config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Domain model configuration -->

    <!-- Score configuration -->

        <!-- constructionHeuristicPickEarlyType>FIRST_LAST_STEP_SCORE_EQUAL_OR_IMPROVING</constructionHeuristicPickEarlyType-->



 Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?


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