

We are using Jboss-rules 3.0.5 and I have written a simple rule:


rule "Valid Format"



              $status : RuleResult()

              $id : Identifier()


              eval ($id.getValue() != null)

              eval (!$id.getValue().matches("^([0-9]{9})$"))


              $status.addErrorMessage("Identifier does not match required format");




In my unit test, I create an instance of the Identifier object and do not set the Value, therefore it is null by default.  I have an earlier rule that checks for this null value and places an error message in the result object appropriately.  I would expect this error to fail and not see this error message in the result, but instead see the missing value error message.  The problem is that I see both. 


It appears as though the eval null check is failing.  Am I misunderstanding how this rule should work? 


Any insight and/or answers are really appreciated.

