actually I got that wrong. We already do change the namespace. The problem is MVEL. MVEL uses reflection mode normally, but will use ASM if its provided, so its MVEL that is having the problem.

Mark Proctor wrote:
For M2 I'll look at changing the namespace for ASM to avoid this issue. Not sure how you'll avoid the issue till then.

brad hadfield wrote:
Hi, I wonder if anyone could help me?

I'm attempting to use the 'from' keyword in  the same fashion as the sample found on the Release Notes/Language Improvement wiki.  The example shows a piece of syntax that uses the 'from' keyword to obtain data via a Hibernate query. i.e:
  $r : Restaurant( $postCode ) from hbSession.getNamedQuery( "some query" ).setProperties( [ key1 : value2, key2 : value ] ).list()

I'm having difficulty executing syntax using this keyword because Hibernate uses CGlib which relies on ASM 1.5.3 - the 'from' keyword seems to rely on MVEL which uses ASM 3.0.
ASM 3.0 is not backwards compatible with ASM 1.5.3 and I get 'no such method' errors.
So how does one get the 'from' keyword to work in an environment running Hibernate?

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