Op 07-02-13 16:10, Aijin Nakanishi schreef:
I mean, i know how it is called, it is inside the xml configuration:
  <!-- Domain model configuration -->

  <!-- Score configuration -->

i want to understant the java class doing the assign to cloudcomputers. I don't see any setCloudProcess to a CloudComputer, even so, when the planner ends, all process have been distributed to cloudcomputer. That's what I am trying to understand, how does it works. I did a debug but i didn't catch the moment a cloud computer receives a cloudprocess
Determining the best setCloudProcess() value is Planner's job. And Planner will try a bunch of those iteratively.
Each of the optimization algorithms that Planner can use to do that, are described in the manual.
The quick starts uses First Fit Decreasing followed by Tabu Search if I recall correctly.

2013/2/7 Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com>

Op 07-02-13 15:43, Aijin Nakanishi schreef:
I'm trying to understand when is proccess assigned to a computer by that java example.

    public HardAndSoftScore calculateScore(CloudBalance cloudBalance) {
        int hardScore = 0;
        int softScore = 0;
        for (CloudComputer computer : cloudBalance.getComputerList()) {
            int cpuPowerUsage = 0;
            int memoryUsage = 0;
            int networkBandwidthUsage = 0;
            boolean used = false;

            // Calculate usage
            for (CloudProcess process : cloudBalance.getProcessList()) {
                if (computer.equals(process.getComputer())) {
                    cpuPowerUsage += process.getRequiredCpuPower();
                    memoryUsage += process.getRequiredMemory();
                    networkBandwidthUsage += process.getRequiredNetworkBandwidth();
                    used = true;

            // Hard constraints
            int cpuPowerAvailable = computer.getCpuPower() - cpuPowerUsage;
            if (cpuPowerAvailable < 0) {
                hardScore += cpuPowerAvailable;
            int memoryAvailable = computer.getMemory() - memoryUsage;
            if (memoryAvailable < 0) {
                hardScore += memoryAvailable;
            int networkBandwidthAvailable = computer.getNetworkBandwidth() - networkBandwidthUsage;
            if (networkBandwidthAvailable < 0) {
                hardScore += networkBandwidthAvailable;

            // Soft constraints
            if (used) {
                softScore -= computer.getCost();
        return DefaultHardAndSoftScore.valueOf(hardScore, softScore);

I didn't understand how the cloudcomputers received it
What do you mean?
That ScoreCalculator is configured in the SolverConfig.xml, so that's why it gets called.

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