Hi Wolgang,
Interesting advice !
I need to study it a
little bit to fully understand it and to see if it can meet my future
Thanks for taking the
time to share your insight,
De :
[mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] De
la part de Wolfgang Laun
Envoyé : jeudi 29 octobre
2009 08:09
À :
Objet : Re: [rules-users]
Specific Agenda strategy to control which rules to fire
I don't think you should
consider an agenda strategy for this.
Add a simple class:
class Score{
int level; int coun; Deal deal; Book book;
Score( Deal deal, int level ){...}
and insert an instance along with the Deal to be classified:
insert( deal );
insert( new Score( deal ) );
Rules for level 2 would be written according to:
rule "trader and product"
salience 10
$s : Score( level == 2, $d : deal )
Deal( this == $d, trader=="Alex",
product == "GOOG" )
$s.setCount( $s.getCount() + 1 );
$s.setBook( "B2" );
Then you'll need a couple of rules handling success and failure:
rule "post level success"
salience 5
$s : Score( $l : level, count == 1, $d : deal, $b : book )
assign $d to $b, retract $d
retract( $s );
rule "post level failure"
salience 5
$s : Score( $l : level, count != 1 )
modify( $s ){
setLevel( $l - 1 );
Rules for level 1 would also be at salience 10.
A rule for level == 0 should catch Deals "gone down" through all
2009/10/28 Costigliola Joel (EXT) <joel.costigliola-ext@natixis.com>
need some help to to set a specific Agenda strategy in order to control finely
which activated rules will be fired.
context :
company is a bank where traders are making deals on markets, these deals must
be classified in book, this is what we call “booking process”.
is done according to booking criteria : which trader has made the deal ? on
which product ? wich market ? etc …
booking rule defines a set of criteria and the target book where the deal will
classified, it also has a priority, note that it is ok that two booking rule
have same priority.
want to implement booking rule as Drools rule.
booking rule can be applied to a deal, in that case choosing the right booking
rule to fire depends on the following algorithm :
look all the activated booking rule of the highest priority,
if there is a unique rule apply it
if there is no unique rule (0 rule or more than one), look at rules of a lesser
priority and apply the same logic.
section is an example that will clear things (I hope).
deal D1 has been done by Alex on NY market to buy Google stocks.
have 3 booking rules :
BR1 : criteria = trader=Alex / book = B1
BR2 : criteria = trader=Alex and product = google stock / book = B2
BR2 is more precise than BR1, il will matches the deal and book it in B1
the deal was on another product, BR1 would have been applied.
gets more complicated when 2 rules of same priority can be applied.
imagine we add the following booking rule
BR3 : criteria = trader=Alex and market = NY / book = B3
have a problem to book D1 since BR2 and BR3 can be applied but have same
can't choose one over the other thus we must apply a less precise/prioritary
rule (if unique at its own precision level).
my example, that would lead to apply BR1.
I define BR1,BR2,BR3 as Drools rules, how can I tell Drools :
to execute a rule only if there is no other active rule with same precision
that could be applied ?
to look for a unique matching rule with less precision level ?
think it's the Agenda responsibility to take this decision, but I don't know
how implement that.
you give some advices on that ?
for your lights in advance,
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