  TaskAssignment($person, $taskType, $period1)
  TaskAssignment(same $person, same $taskType, earlier than $period1, $period2)
  not TaskAssingment(same $person, same $taskType, earlier than $period1, later period than $period2)

Op 04-12-12 17:40, Michiel Vermandel schreef:

In my usecase I need to plan tasks (PlanningEntity).
I have two kinds of tasks (for example CleaningTask and InspectionTask (inspect that cleaning was OK)).
Each task needs to be assigned to a person and a period.
Person and period both are PlanningVariables.

I need to ensure that a person does not execute an InspectionTask twice in a row.
How can I find out what the previous task is that is assigned to a person?
It is not guaranteed that the person had a task in the previous period (period-1).

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