Thank you for the reply Wolfgang,
For some reason I had a mental blank
when I asked that question - was thinking "Can't create variables
like that".
Travis Smith
Analyst Programmer
Development Centre
DDI: +644 4746356 (Or Ext 76356)
Wolfgang Laun <>
Sent by:
29/03/2011 08:21 p.m.
Please respond to
Rules Users List <>
| Rules Users List <>
| Re: [rules-users] Decision
tables - multiple params to function over multiple columns |
I think this is more a Java question of how to call
a method in instalments.
One option is to set a temporary from the 1st column, and call from
the 2nd: The first column might be
String code = $param;
and the next column would
callHelperFunction( code, $param, $handleFromConditions);
and the next column would
Alternatively, you can do
startHelperFunction( $handle, $param );
execHelperFunction( $param );
also with each statement coming from a column of its own.
With non-statics, also chained calls would be possible.
2011/3/29 <>:
> Hi,
> Currently I've got a consequence on a decision table that works like
> callHelperFunction( $1, $2, $handleFromConditions);
> where the first two parameters are strings, $1 being a code, $2 a
> description.
> which means that you get the table holding things like:
> "DC X223,This is the description
text which can be fairly wordy"
> That works just fine!
> However: For ease of maintenance, the risk analysts want the input
> over two columns, so is there any way of doing this? I'm trying to
> inserting a temporary fact then cleaning it up after, if possible,
as I
> can't see that being particularly good for performance.
> Thank you,
> -Trav
> Travis Smith
> Analyst Programmer
> Development Centre
> DDI: +644 4746356 (Or Ext 76356)
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