wait for two weeks and you will see it there in the trunk! at that point feedback will be appreciated!
Probably the task client interface should provide less methods, some basic ones and then we can have a WSHTClient Interface to support all the methods from the spec.

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 4:40 PM, tolitius <webakaunt@gmail.com> wrote:

There is MinaTaskClient and BaseTaskClient, but no TaskClient interface.

That is why:

       public void start( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void stop( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void release( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void suspend( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void resume( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void skip( long taskId, String userId,
TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void delegate( long taskId, String userId, String
                             TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )
       public void complete( long taskId, String userId, ContentData
                             TaskOperationResponseHandler responseHandler )

is not a reusable approach (to get rid of Mina, and use something else [
JMS, DB, etc.. ] ). I think it would make sense to create an interface
defining the contract, and program to that interface.

Am I missing something?

Thank you,

P.S. I know the whole approach is going to change to be pluggable in the
near future, but I find it strange there is no contract/interface that
defines a task lifecycle.
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