I also have best experiences to use the Update Sites from
because they are P2 Update Sites and you can choose between
stable, development, nightly

thx to JBoss Team to provide these sites now online
(first sites were only download-sites)


Jesper S. Knudsen schrieb:
Hi Michael

I had som problems with Eclipse 3.5 and Drools 5.0.1 stabel. But I 
managed to get the Drools 5.1.0 development to work fine with Eclipse 3.5
I just added the downloaded development version of 
JBossTools-Update-3.1.0.M2-N200907092133-H355.zip and installed it from 
this file.

Remember to remove the Drools version 5.0.1 from the Eclipse 3.5 plugins 
and feature folders if you have tried to install it with Eclipse 3.5 
other wise you may get som fatal errors or conflict in Eclipse when the 
starting the environment.

Best regrads

Jesper S. Knudsen

 J Michael Dean skrev:
Sorry because I am sure this has been answered, but cannot find.   
Compelling reasons to switch to Eclipse 3.5 because of recent changes  
to Mac OSX but documentation pretty clearly indicates 3.4 for Drools  
5.0.  Is Drools 5.0 compatible with Eclipse 3.5?

- Mike
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ekke (ekkehard gentz)
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