
Thank you for the reply. I am at the moment trying with defined classes. But got stuck at solver configuration, setting up the selectors. However I am doing a very simple problem, just like I mention in the question earlier.

I have attached the sources of my project - solver configuration through Java API. 
I am getting errors related to Selectors & Acceptors. My solver configuration does not have these. 

My model is based on a simple rule - x > 4 and x < 6. I have set my planning variable, value range etc. 

Can you please tell me how I should handle the whole concept of MoveFactory, selector etc. 

Thank you :)

On 20 September 2012 18:17, ge0ffrey [via Drools] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Op 20-09-12 15:59, Phani Saripalli schreef:

> Hi.
> Is it possible to combine Drools expert and planner to solve NP problems (or
> some kind of model checking).
> For example, I have a model described as a .drl file
> declare Project
> x : int
> end
Classes declared in the drl file aren't supported yet in Planner :(
Feel free to make a jira for it.

> And, then I have a constraint (or rule) - something like this -
> rule " Rule on x"
> agenda-group "Group 2"
> dialect "mvel"
> no-loop true
>   when
> P : Project(P.x > 5 && P.x < 7)
> then
> System.out.println("Rule satisfied");
> end
that's can be easily converted into a score rule, just replace the
System.out with the insertLogical of the ConstraintOccurrence (see
planner manual for more info)
> Is it possible to obtain a value propagation mechanism by combining with
> Planner, by which I finally get a value for x as 6 ?
you would define a range of values for x and based on the constraint,
planner will end up with value 6 for that Project,
but that's not really efficient.

Planner is really build to solve a case like this where you have 3
projects Project needs an x:

$p : Project(P.x > 5 && P.x < 9)
then ...

and where there are some other constraints such as:

$a : Project(id == "A")
$b : Project(id == "B", x < $a.x)
then ...

that result in an optimal solution of project A with x = 7, project B
with x = 6 and project C with x= 8.

> I am working on model checking for models that have various constraints, on
> boolean, int, real, strings, container types and also on types that are
> similar to C structs. There is hardly any reasoner/solver that does model
> checking for constraints on such a varied types of datatypes.
> I checked planner, but defining planning variables and stuff on score
> generation seemed to me a bit new and confusing.
> Thank you :)
> --
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Best Regards
Phani Saripalli

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