On 18-06-13 09:46, Bartek wrote:
Thanks for your answer, it helps.
But just after solving one problem I am facing another. When uploading my domain facts to Guvnor I get exception (from guvnor logs):

 Servlet.service() for servlet AssetFileServlet threw exception: javax.enterprise.event.ObserverException
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/drools/planner/core/solution/Solution
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.7.0_07]

I suppose there are no  Optaplanner classes on guvnor classpath. Should they be? Or mayby guvnor do not need my problem definition(so guvnor wont need to use Solution interface )?
Your domain classes will have @PlanningEntity and @PlanningVariable annotations (as well as the Solution interface),
so you'll need to add the optaplanner-core jar (just as you added your domain model jar) into guvnor.

Is it generally good idea to try use guvnor to define scores?
Yes, if you need that flexibility, as it allows you to change your score rules through the guvnor web interface.
However, this is mostly uncharted territory: some users have already successfully done it (there are mails on this mailing list's archive),
but there's little documentation and no example for it. Feel to do a write up once you get it to work, for the next person wanting to do this :)

W dniu 2013-06-17 15:52, Geoffrey De Smet pisze:

On 17-06-13 15:33, Bartek wrote:
How Optaplanner and Guvnor  should be integrated? I am using Drools 5.5.0.Final. I have configuration  with spring so I have access to KnowledgeBase.
I found in documentation: A RuleBase (possibly defined by Guvnor)

How I can get rule base? (If it is correct way do integrate with guvnor)

yes, it's the correct way for optaplanner 5.5.x with drools 5.5.x:
IIRC, the guvnor docs explains how you can get a KnowledgeBase (~ drools 5 api), which you can transform into a RuleBase (~ drools 4 api which is still available in 5.5.x) like this:
((InternalKnowledgeBase) myKnowledgeBase).getRuleBase()

See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11017613/live-rule-creation-in-drools-planner
IIRC, KnowledgeAgent connects to guvnor and builds a KnowledgeBase.

That being said, for optaplanner 6.0.x with drools 6.0.x,
everything is standardized on KieBase (~ drools 6 api) (which is like the KnowledgeBase in the 5 api).
We recently released 6.0.0.Beta3 (drools, guvnor and optaplanner release together).
So there's
The optaplanner and drools stuff is pretty stable, even if it's called Beta3 (CR1 is coming soon),
but I have no idea about the state of guvnor's KieBase support.


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