Alright... The test case was delivered with the following documentation (extract of the "Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 Developer's Guide" book):

This is a type of knowledge session that doesn't keep any state between invocations (an invocation is a call of the execute method). From the rules perspective, a stateless session is no different than a stateful session—the rules look exactly the same. The benefit that statelessness brings is that the rule engine can do more optimizations. StatelessKnowledgeSession as well as stateful session support a command interface (command design pattern). There is no need to dispose a stateless session after it has been used."


Patrick van Kann a écrit :
I might be putting too simplistic an interpretation on this, but this is what the Javadoc says for StatelessKnowledgeSession

"StatelessKnowledgeSession provides a convenience API, wrapping StatefulKnowledgeSession. It avoids the need to call dispose(). Stateless sessions do not support iterative insertions and fireAllRules from Java code, the act of calling execute(...) is a single shot method that will internally instantiate a StatefulKnowledgeSession, add all the user data and execute user commands, call fireAllRules, and then call dispose()."

So I'm not sure why you just wouldn't just directly use a StatefulKnowledgeSession instead of trying to re-use a stateless one. You can then update the Facts via their handles and update or retract and reinsert as needed.



On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Bruno Freudensprung <> wrote:


According to what I've read so far, you can reuse Stateless sessions.
In particlar I've seen unit tests creating a Stateless session in a
@BeforeClass method, then this session was re-used across multiple tests
methods "pushing" different data-sets into that unique session instance
using commands (created with the org.drools.command.CommandFactory class).



espen a écrit :
> Hi,
> we have an application with a lot of rules in a cached rulebase. When we
> profile our application we see that about 30% of the time is used in
> rulebase.newStatlessSession(). The time is basically used loading classes.
> The question is, is it possible to create a pool of StalessSessions and
> reuse them, or will this create problems.
> Regards
> Espen

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