Carlsen, Len wrote:
We would probably use the existing server side code and extent the current BRMS client UI, to satisfy our needs.  By designing our BRMS I mostly meant designing the structure of all our rule domains, rules/packages and facts (courses/learning units).
Great, one of the things we would love to see happen is a extensible GUI framework where people can include their own authoring environments for their rules - bit like eclipse views and perspectives, but obviosly much simpler and smaller.

From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Proctor
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 1:02 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Re: Drools and BRMS (60,000+ rules)

Carlsen, Len wrote:
This is very cool and is exactly what we will need for our new open
source SIS. Once we have designed our BRMS then we will look more
closely at Drools Solver (especially after the ITC competition).  
Are you writting your own BRMS from scratch? Are there any particular issues with the BRMS at the moment that would warrant this? Maybe you could work on the BRMS we have now to extend it to satisfy your needs.
Currently, we are using Ad Astra for our course timetabling and exam
scheduling and it would be good if we could replace that with Solver.

Thanks for your interest,


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Geoffrey De
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 5:09 AM
Subject: [rules-users] Re: Drools and BRMS (60,000+ rules)

Mark Proctor wrote:
Carlsen, Len wrote:
Other issues are the performance of the Drools Solver and having 
thousands of rules compiled, loaded and running. During registration 
we could have thousands of rules executing concurrently. The rules 
engine and the BRMS would be services as part of an SOA
(and an OSGi service environment).  Anyone got any experience with 
Drools in an OSGi environment with respect to class loading issues 
when compiling rules and facts from other bundles since rules and 
facts may be in different bundles? Bundle buddy class loading?

No but it is something that interests us, please give us your OSGi 
feedback. Solver is not currently a supported product, its very much
alphaware, but I'm sure geoffrey would love your feedback, good to see

people are evaluating it.

yes, feedback on solver is very welcome :)

The good news is, I am now working on an example called Examination,
which is an implementation for the itc2007 examination competition:
It's based on real-world data. The "starter" dataset contains 7883 
students, 607 exams, 54 periods and 7 rooms. There are 5 hard 
constraints and 7 soft constraints:

The bad news is, it's not performing yet, because I need to make a 
scalable selector implementation, which I am working on.

There's an example called lesson schedule (which schedules courses), but

that's just a toy example to learn drools-solver, at it just has 2 hard 

One piece of advice though: separate the solver part from the rest. Once

  the solver starts calculating, you 'll only want to have score-related

rules in the rulebase. The solver can easily do a million fireAllRules 
per minute, so every performance loss is blown up.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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