priority == 1,
// when a criterion is not set, it is considered as satisfied.
(traderCriterion == null || $dealModel.trader == traderCriterion),
(portfolioCriterion == null || $dealModel.portfolio == portfolioCriterion),
// when a product type criterion is set to unknown, it is considered as satisfied whatever deal product type is.
(productTypeStringCriterion == null || productTypeCriterion == ProductType.Unknown
|| $dealModel.product.productType == productTypeCriterion),
(listedIndexCriterion == null || $dealProductRelatedIndexes.relatedIndexes contains listedIndexCriterion)
I would like to improve the performance of my Drools process, I have already done some enhancements like removing the use of “collect” and “eval”.
I must say I’m a Drools newbie struggling to determine what causes my performance problems.
Before asking, I need to explain in few words the problem I want to solve with Drools :
My company is a bank where traders are making deals on markets, these deals must be classified in book, this is what we call “booking process”.
Booking is done according to booking criteria : which trader has made the deal ? on which product ? etc …
A booking rule defines a set of criteria and the target book where the deal will classified.
I’m using Drools to :
I’m testing the booking process with 1000 deals and 229 booking rule.
It takes 60 seconds for Drools to book the 1000 deals, which is too slow to be put in production.
On the 60 seconds, I have 7 seconds for facts insertion and the remaining for process (after session.fireAllRules)
Do you think such numbers are normal/expected ?
Like I said I don’t really know where the performance bottlenecks are … I’m thinking of exploring the following possibilities :
I have put my rules code below (for courageous people), if you see some obvious performance problems or if you can give some hint to explore, you would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance for your lights,
Joël Costigliola
Ps : rules details
I have defined a flow composed of 3 steps/rules group, each group has one rule, here’s the flow and the rules.
Flow :
"Find matching booking rules" -> "Refresh" -> "Apply booking rule group"
Rules :
The job of this rule is to store in DealMatchingBookingRules all the booking rule matching a specific deal (each DealMatchingBookingRules instance has a unique Deal).
rule "Find matching level 1 booking rules by deal"
salience 10
ruleflow-group "Find level 1 matching booking rules by deal group"
$dealMatchingBookingRules : DealMatchingBookingRules($dealModel : deal, $dealProductRelatedIndexes : dealProductRelatedIndexes)
$bookingRule : BTExecutionBookingRuleModel (
priority == 1
// when a criterion is not set, it is considered as satisfied.
&& (traderCriterion == null || $dealModel.trader == traderCriterion)
&& (portfolioCriterion == null || $dealModel.portfolio == portfolioCriterion)
// when a product type criterion is set to unknown, it is considered as satisfied whatever deal product type is.
&& (productTypeStringCriterion == null || productTypeCriterion == ProductType.Unknown
|| $dealModel.product.productType == productTypeCriterion)
&& (listedIndexCriterion == null || $dealProductRelatedIndexes.relatedIndexes contains listedIndexCriterion)
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Matching booking rules LOGGER");"Found a level 1 matching rule for deal : " + $dealModel + ", rule is " + $bookingRule);
// used to tell Drools that our $dealMatchingBookingRules are ready for next step in flow
rule "Refresh facts in level 1 booking rule process"
salience 5
ruleflow-group "Refresh facts in level 1 booking rule process group"
$dealMatchingBookingRules : DealMatchingBookingRules()
rule "Apply level 1 booking rule"
ruleflow-group "Apply level 1 booking rule group"
$dealMatchingBookingRules : DealMatchingBookingRules(hasSingleMatchingLevel1BookingRule == true)
BTExecutionBookingRuleModel effectiveBookingRuleModel = $dealMatchingBookingRules.getSingleMatchingLevel1BookingRule();