On 01/06/2012 04:52, Jackson Cunha wrote:
Thanks Mark!

When my paper and my prototype is running I will show all results here to get feedback.
ok, cool.

I'd personally like to see more work on the verifier, ours is still too basic, and there is a huge amounts that can be done. Mario recently started adding rule meta data for the consequences, so the verified can see what was inserted/retracted/modified; this can be used to verify chaining. I think he still needs to do a bit more work on "insert", as it's not easy to determine what fields where set.


On 31 May 2012 23:04, Mark Proctor <mproctor@codehaus.org> wrote:
On 28/05/2012 22:21, Jackson Cunha wrote:
Anyone knows about academic papers involving drools verifier? I'm working in a project where will be produced a paper and I need to cite some caracteristics of it.
A good starting point is on the ez-expert page, which covers various papers on the topic.



Jackson Cunha Cassimiro (CereB)
Bacharel em Ciencia da Computação - UFPI
MSN: jackson.cereb@gmail.com
Telefone Móvel +55 86 9928 1251
Analista de Sistemas - Infoway - http://www.infoway-pi.com.br
Missão Infoway - "Influenciar a Gestão de Sistemas de Saúde através de e-health"

("A vida é um combate que os fracos abate, aos bravos, aos fortes só pode exaltar" - Canção do Tamoio, Gonçalves Dias)

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Jackson Cunha Cassimiro (CereB)
Bacharel em Ciencia da Computação - UFPI
MSN: jackson.cereb@gmail.com
Telefone Móvel +55 86 9928 1251
Analista de Sistemas - Infoway - http://www.infoway-pi.com.br
Missão Infoway - "Influenciar a Gestão de Sistemas de Saúde através de e-health"

("A vida é um combate que os fracos abate, aos bravos, aos fortes só pode exaltar" - Canção do Tamoio, Gonçalves Dias)

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