Mark Proctor wrote:
> Mark Proctor wrote:
>> David Boaz wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is it possible to determine the Pattern that ‘produced’ a given Fact?
>>> For
>>> example, assuming we have the following rule and event handler:
>>> rule r1
>>> when p1:Person(...)
>>> p2:Person(...)
>>> then
>>> ...
>>> end
>>> protected class MyAgendaEventHandler extends
>>> DefaultAgendaEventListener {
>>> @Override
>>> public void
>>> afterActivationFired(org.drools.event.rule.AfterActivationFiredEvent
>>> event)
>>> {
>>> String ruleName = event.getActivation().getRule().getName();
>>> KnowledgeRuntime knowledgeRuntime = event.getKnowledgeRuntime();
>>> for (FactHandle factHandle :
>>> event.getActivation().getFactHandles()) {
>>> Object fact = knowledgeRuntime.getObject(factHandle);
>>> Pattern pattern= ?;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Is it possible to determine the Pattern that originate a Person
>>> object? If
>>> yes, how the pattern is identified?
>> no
> We'll that's not exactly true, but it's not something an end user should
> be doing. But the basic jist is the Activation wraps the AgendaItem if
> you can get access to that it has a Tuple field, this references the
> chaines of tuples that make up the row of data. you can iterate that
> chain and each one has a handle field which you can match up with the
> facthandle you are searching for. Further more each tuple references the
> join node it was added via, which also has an index number, so you can
> deduce the pattern from there. However I seriously doubt this is what
> you want, and you probably need to think harder about your use case.
> Mark
>>> Thanks, David
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