
   There are two unrelated things in here... the boolean flag for dynamic facts means your fact supports the property change listeners and you don't need to call modify() when you change an attribute. ShadowFacts are a complete different thing that should be mostly transparent to users.
   If you can provide an example, it will be easier to help you.


2009/2/11 J Michael Dean <>
I am migrating from 4.07 to 5 and my previous DRL file does not function correctly;  I previousliy inserted facts with the dynamic Boolean set true.  I understand that this is no longer done because shadow facts are "not needed" in Drools 5, but is it necessary to do anything different in the RHS when modifying facts?  My fact POJOs have a method for adding text to themselves.  I believe my rules are not working properly because nothing is being modified - only the initial activation set fires and then nothing happens.

Restated, the documentation talks about how to "avoid" shadow facts in Drools 4.07 - are the restrictions in this part of the docs necessary in Drools 5?

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