Cristiano,There are some examples on processes using timers here:If you need help, could you maybe send me the test project you are trying to execute, so I can take a look?Kris_______________________________________________----- Original Message -----From: Cristiano GaviãoTo: Rules Users ListSent: Monday, March 02, 2009 2:34 AMSubject: [rules-users] Timer isn't firingHi,I've created a simple process flow with a start node followed by a timer (with delay = 1 and period = 0), an workitem node, and an end node.Its simple but isn't working properly. The problem is that process isn't getting out from the timer node. Nothing happens...Its something more needed to get timer working?This is the output generated:BEFORE RULEFLOW STARTED process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]BEFORE RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Start[id=20] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]null process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]BEFORE RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Timer[id=19] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]AFTER RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Timer[id=19] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]null process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]AFTER RULEFLOW NODE TRIGGERED node:Start[id=20] process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]AFTER RULEFLOW STARTED process:ProcessoX[id=ProcessoX]thanks in advance_________________________Cristiano V. Gavião_______________________________________________
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