Hi again!


The problem occurred in Drools 5.1.0 M1 but I’ve tried with the latest snapshot (2010-05-11) and worked fine.


Thanks for your patience!


Vítor Mendonça Moreira
Analista / Programador
Direcção de Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Rua Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, nº. 4 r/c esq.
2500 - 206 - Caldas da Rainha
Tel: (+351) 262 832 196
Fax: (+351) 262 186 455
Web: www.makewise.pt
Uma empresa: Grupo Sousa Pedro



From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Makewise - Vitor Rui Mendonça
Sent: quinta-feira, 13 de Maio de 2010 10:24
To: Rules Users List
Subject: [rules-users] Activation doubt


Hi folks!


I’m having some trouble to understand activations.

My system receives transactions and I want to detect periods of time without transactions. If I don’t have transactions for an hour, I want to sound an alarm.


I’ve wrote the following rules just to see how Drools works (I’ve tried sliding windows also but without success):

declare NoTransactions

      @role( event )

      timestamp: long


declare EngineStart

      @role( event )

      timestamp: long


declare Transaction

      @role( event )

      @expires( 1h )


rule "***start***"


            not( EngineStart() )


            insert( new EngineStart() );

            System.out.println(“engine started”);


rule "***notrx_after_start***"


            $engineStart : EngineStart()

            not( NoTransactions() )           

            not(Transaction( this after [0s, 1h] $engineStart ) )


            insert ( new NoTransactions() );

            System.out.println(“no transactions for an hour since engine started”);


rule "***notrx_after_trx***"



            not( NoTransactions() )

            $transaction : Transaction()

            not( Transaction( this != $transaction, this after [0s, 1h] $transaction ) )


            insert( new NoTransactions() );

            System.out.println("no transactions for an hour since last transaction ");


·         First rule inserts an Event when rule engine starts

·         Second rule detects absence of transactions since engine started

·         Third rule detects absence of transactions since last transaction


The testcase is simple (using pseudoclock):

·         00h00m: rule engine start

·         00h30m: insert a transaction

·         01h01m: notification of absence of transactions since engine started (not the desired behavior)


I’ve attached the logs and I can’t understand how an Activation is cancelled and executed afterwards (without any creation).


Thanks for the time spent to read this email! J



Vítor Mendonça Moreira
Analista / Programador
Direcção de Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Rua Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, nº. 4 r/c esq.
2500 - 206 - Caldas da Rainha
Tel: (+351) 262 832 196
Fax: (+351) 262 186 455
Web: www.makewise.pt
Uma empresa: Grupo Sousa Pedro