I’m looking for a little help on a problem we can’t figure out with some DSL errors during a build.  We’re working with version 5.3.0.Final on RSA 7.5.5.
The offending line of DSL is on the rule is:
Write qualifyingPoints on Result as $var01 * $var02
$var01 and $var02 are variables set in the WHEN part of this rule.
The offending line of code is translating to:
modify (Result){qualifyingPoints = $var01 * $var02};
When I execute the program that calls this rule, if fails during the build process with the following:
Unable to Analyse Expression @Modify with (Result){qualifyingPoints = $var01 * $var02 };
[Error: java/lang/String.isEmpty()Z]
[Near : {... @Modify with (Result){qualifyingPt ....}]
[Line: 1, Column: 9] : [Rule name=Qualifying Points rule 1']
If I modify the code to use an assignment and update instead of modify, it will build without an error:
Result.setQualifyingPoints( $var01 * $var02 );update (Result);
Note that we only see this behavior on RSA.  We do not see it on Eclipse (but we need to use RSA). 
I didn’t find anything online so I thought I’d check to see if this is something someone has seen before.