
   Thanks for letting us know.


2007/5/25, A Gattiker <>:

I have given it a try with JBoss Rules 4.0.0 and this time, both facts
are retracted! Congratulations for this exciting new version.


On 5/24/07, A Gattiker <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use assertLogical in combination with a
> WorkingMemoryEventListener in order to have business rules drive my
> application: if conditions, then do something; if conditions not true
> anymore, then do something else.
> However, it seems that if the rule is activated multiple times, then
> becomes unsupported, only one of the assertLogical'ed facts is
> retracted, as illustrated in the example below.
> Does anyone know how to get around that problem? I thought
> assertLogical would be an elegant solution but maybe there is a better
> way?
> Kind regards
> Alexandre
> To reproduce the problem: With the JBoss Rules 3.0.6 IDE, I have
> started with a test project with the Eclipse Wizard and modified it as
> listed below. "Date" facts are used simply to ensure unequality.
> DRL:
> import com.sample.DroolsTest.Message;
> import java.util.Date;
> rule "Hello World"
>         when
>                 $i : Message ( status > 4 )
>         then
>                 assertLogical(new Date());
> end
> Java:
>             workingMemory.addEventListener(new
> DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener());
>             Message message = new Message();
>             message.setStatus( 10 );
>             FactHandle fh = workingMemory.assertObject( message );
>             workingMemory.fireAllRules();
>             Thread.sleep(2000);
>             message.setStatus( 6 );
>             workingMemory.modifyObject(fh, message);
>             workingMemory.fireAllRules();
>             Thread.sleep(2000);
>             message.setStatus ( 2 );
>             workingMemory.modifyObject(fh, message);
>             workingMemory.fireAllRules();
> Output:
> [ObjectAsserted: handle=[fid:1:1];
> object=com.sample.DroolsTest$Message@629da7ee ]
> [ObjectAsserted: handle=[fid:2:2]; object=Thu May 24 19:19:01 CEST 2007]
> [ObjectModified: handle=[fid:1:3];
> old_object=com.sample.DroolsTest$Message@629da7ee;
> new_object=com.sample.DroolsTest$Message@629da7ee ]
> [ObjectAsserted: handle=[fid:3:4]; object=Thu May 24 19:19:03 CEST 2007]
> [ObjectModified: handle=[fid:1:5];
> old_object=com.sample.DroolsTest$Message@629da7ee;
> new_object=com.sample.DroolsTest$Message@629da7ee ]
> [ObjectRetracted: handle=[fid:3:4]; old_object=Thu May 24 19:19:03 CEST 2007]
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  Edson Tirelli
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