Femke De Backere wrote:

I encountered the following error, trying to insert a Split node in my ruleflow. 

[8,0]: [ERR 103] Line 8:0 no viable alternative at input 'testType' in rule "RuleFlow-Split-masterproef.ruleflows.sedation-4-9"
[16,5]: [ERR 103] Line 16:5 no viable alternative at input 'testType' in rule "RuleFlow-Split-masterproef.ruleflows.sedation-4-5"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not parse knowledge.
at masterproef.rulerunner.RuleFlowRunner.createKnowledgeBase(RuleFlowRunner.java:120)
at masterproef.rulerunner.RuleFlowRunner.createWorkingMemory(RuleFlowRunner.java:94)
at masterproef.rulerunner.RuleFlowRunner.<init>(RuleFlowRunner.java:81)
at masterproef.rulerunner.RuleFlowRunner.main(RuleFlowRunner.java:72)

The split node contains the folowing code:
Patient( testType : type )
not (testType == 'Korte sedatie')

My Patient-class contains a methode getType().

Does anyone know how I can solve the error?
That's not valid DRL,not must surrround patterns, not random expressions. It should be:
not Patient( testType == "Kore sedatie" )




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