Sequential mode is something completely different, so don't bother about it right now. From your description, ruleflow seems to fit the requirements. Organize your rules in groups, and have a split node decide which path to follow in your rule flow... as an additional bonus of this approach, you can use lock-on-active to prevent recursion.

   Ordering of rules is not really a criteria for deciding for or against the use of a rules engine. So, I would say, before doing anything else, take a look at ruleflow. Also, please note that split nodes can take conditions in the exact same way as a rule LHS to decide which path to follow, giving you a lot of expressiveness power for your "flow decisions".


2008/11/4 techy <>

Thanks Mark. that's sad to know :-(

I have serious of use cases to applied against set of huge data daily. use
cases can be in the tree structure(parent/child relationship).

If the data passed parent use case(i.e parent condition is not met), then it
should go thru child usecases. I want to happen this recursively till last
child in the tree, but in a specific order.

I was going thru agenda group,activation group etc as advised. looks like i
could not achieve..

then i was going thru documentation and came across rule flow and sequential
mode. But could not make any decision since I'm new to drools. It would be
great If someone shed some light on this?

1. Can I achieve this work flow using rule flow?

2. What about sequential mode? Can I achieve using it?

3. Should I not be using drools or any rule engine at all for my


techy wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to have the rules parent/child structure. I don't want the
> child rules to be executed  when parent's conditions are true(i.e
> consequence is  executed) even if child's conditions are true. How Can I
> achieve that in drools?
> Please clarify.

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 JBoss Drools Core Development
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