That is great Mark , But we need this a little early as we are evaluating drools against our Business requirements and till now it meets most of the requirements , not sure if i can post my questions for drools team and will be able to get the answers so that i can show my confidence against drools and recommend it.

Please let me know.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Darren Hartford <> wrote:
One discussion that might be helpful for those that are evaluating
Drools (or rather, rule engines in general) is talking about items like:

1) What steps to take to convert an existing application to instead use
Drools (and the benefits/gains).  Specifically, what parts of some type
of sample application would be better handled in Drools rather than raw
java code, and what should be left as-is (with emphasis on change
management/quick change support gains when swapping to Drools).

2) Starting a new application, how to start the application creation
process to get the most benefit out of Drools (from requirements
gathering -> implementation -> deployed and now need to make other

I know those sound too much like business stuff than geeky stuff, but
sometimes the geek in us wants to hand-code everything and we need some
good guidance/real-world hands-on reasoning for a better approach.

My two coppers,

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Knapp, Barry
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:44 AM
To: Rules Users List; Rules Dev List
Cc: Burr Sutter
Subject: RE: [rules-users] Drools Community Clinic Feb 4th 5PM GMT


This is an awesome idea!

In my company I am often talking about and promoting Drools so what is
most interesting to my audience is how you guys are fine tuning the BRMS
and Execution integrations as well as making it easier to incorporate
the engine into an existing bus.  The incorporation into an existing bus
had always been one of the more customized areas where I spend time
mapping a custom xml to the fact model, but with the new pipeline
features in the M5 release it sounds like this integration is much

I would really like to see a simple walkthrough example of these new

Once I have this under my belt I feel pretty confident that I can have
brown bags at my own company and go from nothing to a complete
management / execution environment that can process xml requests in
about 60 minutes.  That kind of turnaround can seal the deal!


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mark Proctor
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 6:43 AM
To: Rules Users List; Rules Dev List
Cc: Burr Sutter
Subject: [rules-users] Drools Community Clinic Feb 4th 5PM GMT

I'm going to try an informal experiment for the 4th of February at 5PM
GMT (Date/Time subject to change), we will run an online Drools Clinic
in the form of a Webinar. So the idea here isn't of a 60 minute
presentation, but really more of a 60 minute interactive Q&A where we
will use the desktop to assist in some explanations talking through code

or examples. What do people think?

Ideally we would have a set of pre-determined questions, with some adhoc

ones on the day too. Feel free to start listing your Qs here. I want to
avoid "What's  WorkingMemory" type questions, but other than that,
anything is game. Also if anyone has anything cool they would like to
discuss about how they have used Drools, or just general interesting AI
ideas, then that's fine too - happy for this just to turn into a fun
geek chat too.


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