Hi All,
I am still evaluating the technology to use in the following use case:
There is an input object and an output object.
These objects are complex in the sense that they have collection of objects inside.

Need to give a feature with which user can tell that when the input object contains certain values(this might be a complex expression) then set a value in certain field of output object.

We need to build a UI and an ability to store the rules in db and apply them against the incoming objects.

At first, I thought we can use Guvnor, but it is a lot more than what we need.
We do not need a rule engine exactly, but a way to evaluate the expression.
So I went to see using Mvel as a tool.
Now I see the difficulty in converting the UI specific info to the Mvel expression.
The expressions are becoming so complex.

Is there any way I can say some thing  like a drools rule which can be converted into a Mvel expression before evaluation?

Let me know, if I need to be more clear.