I worked It out!
It was just a matter of "Decision table" definition....
I did not catch that the "UPPERCASE" attributes are meant to be "column" attributes and the "lowercase" attributes
are meant to be "table" attributes.
So I specified the RULEFLOW-GROUP attribute just once... in the row behind the "Import" attribute.
Now I get an "UNLOOP" and a "RULEFLOW-GROUP" column and everything works!
Thanks again!
----- Original Message -----
From: mmquelo@gmail.com
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.java.drools.user
To: rules-users@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: You must see this,guys...new bug? defining rules saturday night made me mad?

Look at this....
I have got a "ContractWrapper" fact inserted into WM.
It wraps a "Contract" object and some "enums" fields.
One of these fields is "upronto":

public class ContractWrapper extends BaseOmPersistentWithAssignedId{

Contract mycontract=null;


Pronto upronto = null;


<getters and setters....>



"upronto" is an insance of a "Pronto" java enum:

public enum Pronto {





"Pronto" can be : (Y, N, UNKNOWN)
Here is the rule which reasons over this enum:
(ofcourse I have got a Request into WM as well)
rule "ScorePronto"
dialect "mvel"
ruleflow-group "Scoring"
     $r:Request( $mc:mainContract != null )
     $cw_p:ContractWrapper($c_w_p:mycontract == $mc, eval(upronto != Pronto.Y))
     System.out.println("Test Result: "+($cw_p.upronto == Pronto.Y))  
Any guesses for the output???
Test Result: true
HOW COMES???????????????????
I mean ... the test "eval(upronto != Pronto.Y)" returned "true".... It means that the rule
engine sees upronto <> Pronto.Y!, doesn't it??!!!!
So... why do I get "upronto == Pronto.Y" in the RHS????
What the.........&$%%&()%%$/%£....sorry....but having these
kind of problems during saturday night is not so pleaseant! 
I really hope you can help me with a  workaround to this issue.

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