I’m having a hard time understanding the syntax in the conditional or left hand side of the DRL. Is it acceptable to use dot notation in the LHS? Is there a better way to compare fields on different objects?
In the example below, I get an error “Unable to find class $d1. What limitations are there syntactically on the left hand side? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have looked at all the examples and have googled the problem and don’t seem to find the answer.
package com.rules
#list any import classes here.
import com.validate.Date1
import com.validate.Date2
import java.util.Date
#declare any global variables here
rule "Your First Rule"
$d1 : Date1()
$d2 : Date2()
$d2 : Date2(beginDate > $d1.getEndDate)
System.out.println("do something");
Best regards,
Robert Costello