OK, let's step back a bit.

What are you trying to achieve?

Do you *want* the DRL text, or do you want to load a BRL rule?

Where did you get the BRL rule from, normally rules are authored in DRL (in which case you'd use KnowledgeBuilder, as in all the examples) or in Guvnor (in which case using a binary package compiled in Guvnor is the norm).

The class you specify isn't in drools 5.2.0.Final (and you still failed to answer what JAR you find it in).

With kind regards,


2011/9/16 AZZAZ mohamed <azzazm@gmail.com>
I use  org.drools.brms.server.util.BRDRLPersistence; 

I'm confused that's two days that I blocked, especially since I'm new in BRMSSo if you have a more accurate method to start I would be grateful

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